Friday, April 13, 2012

Home Alone

It is Friday night and I am home alone.  BLISS.  I am listening to:  SILENCE.  It is golden...and silver and all other precious metals...and precious gems.  Maybe it takes growing up and having a delightfully busy, loud household to appreciate quiet, but I do love quiet.  One of the reasons I often stay up into the wee hours of the be alone in the quiet. 

Perhaps I had to be old enough to like myself.  I do like myself, finally.  I like myself enough that you don't have to.  That wasn't always true.  But what I have come to realize is that the more I like me, the more other people like me too.  Funny how that works.  People are repelled by the desperate 'PLEASE LIKE ME' but strongly attracted to 'I don't care if you like me because I like me enough for both of us.'  I wish I could teach this to my daughters, but alas, it is a lesson only life can teach you.  The good news is I don't think it will take them as old as it took me.  I think they will be mid to late 20's whereas I was mid 30' a year or two. ( ;

That is all of my precious alone time I am gonna spend musing.  I just thought it kind of funny that I am savoring this time while there are lots of people out there in the U.S.of A. who wish they were not alone.  I am a very blessed woman.  Juxtaposition is a good thing.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I hope you have a very nice time alone : )